Scipeáil orduithe ribín
Scipeáil chuig an bpríomh-inneachar

Connection Codes

​​​​​​​Network codes and guidelines are binding rules providing and managing access to the transmission networks in an effective andtransparent manner. They were established in 2009 by the EU Regulation on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity (EU Regulation 714/2009) and recast in 2019 by the Regulation on the internal market for electricity (EU Regulation 2019/943). The codes are crucial for ensuring coordinated system operation and a sound technical evolution of the European Union’s transmission system and electricity market.​  

Grid Connection Codes

Grid connection refers to all the subjects establishing and maintaining a physical connection between the transmission and/or distribution grids and the grid users.  Grid connection, or network connection, is one of the areas regulated by the specific network codes. These rules aim to develop a harmonised electricity grid connection regime, as well as efficient and secure operations. This is particularly important in view of the integration of an increasing share of sources of renewable energy in the system. European rules on grid connection also ensure a fair competition in the electricity market, and facilitate the electricity trade across the Union.

Three network codes on grid connection have been developed:

  1. The network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (RfG Regulation) establishes common standards that generators must respect to connect to the grid.

  2. The network code on demand connection (DCC Regulation) sets up harmonised requirements that demand facilities must respect to connect to the grid. 

  3. The network code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems (HVDC Regulation) covers the definition of harmonised standards for direct current (DC) connections.

Find out more about the Grid Connection Codes:
