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Framework Guidelines and Network Codes

European Stakeholder Committees (ESCs)

European Stakeholder Committees (ESCs) have been established to inform and consult stakeholders about the requirements in the guidelines/network codes during the implementation period.

Market Monitoring

On 30 November 2015 the fourth ACER/CEER Market Monitoring Report was presented in Brussels.

Framework Guidelines and Network Codes aim at providing harmonized rules for cross-border exchanges of electricity. The drafting of those documents involves the European Commission, ACER and European Network of Transmission System Operators of Electricity or ENTSO-E.     

The process for the adoption of the framework guidelines and the network codes is the following:    

Both ACER and ENTSO-E are under strict consultations and transparency obligations in the delivery of their tasks with regard to framework guidelines and network codes.

Both organisations are entrusted with the duty to monitor the implementation of the network codes.   

Framework Guidelines on
Electricity Balancing
Framework Guidelines on Electricity System Operation 
Framework Guidelines on
Capacity Allocation and Congestion
Management for Electricity
Framework Guidelines
On Electricity Grid Connections