ACER is mandated to monitor the status
of the internal markets for electricity and gas by the Third Energy Package. For
this purpose, the Agency publishes an annual market monitoring report produced in
close cooperation with National Regulatory Authorities, the Energy Community
Secretariat, and other relevant organisations.
ACER’s monitoring activity
provides guidance and evidence on how energy markets can perform more
efficiently, thus making energy more affordable and reliable for consumers.
The Market Monitoring report
consists of 3 Volumes:
- Electricity wholesale
- Gas wholesale
- Energy
The first two volumes asses the functioning of the internal
electricity and gas wholesale markets, keeping a close eye on the impact of
Network Codes on markets’ progression. Importantly, they both analyse the
existence of barriers to the Internal Energy Market and propose recommendations
to overcome those. The third Volume evaluates retail markets performance across
the EU, identifying relevant best practices to promote competition to benefit
of end consumers.