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Energy Infrastructure Package

ACER adopted on 18 July 2013 the Opinion on proposed gas projects of common interest 2013. While taking into account the difficulties encountered during the preparation of the draft regional lists of PCIs and some methodological weaknesses of the process, the Agency believes that the draft regional lists of proposed gas projects of common interest merit adoption as the first Union list of PCIs.

Regulation (EU) 347/2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure requires  the Agency to perform several tasks which help foster the adequacy and the efficiency of the development of the European gas sector infrastructure.  In particular, the Agency:

  • Helps ensure cross-regional consistency by providing an opinion on the draft regional lists of projects of common interest;

  • Monitors, together with the Regional Groups, the progress achieved in implementing the projects of common interest and, if necessary, makes recommendations to facilitate the implementation of projects of common interest;

  • Collects annual reports submitted by project promoters, for each project, including details of the progress achieved in the development, construction and commissioning of the project, in particular with regard to permit granting and consultation procedures, as well as – where relevant - delays compared to the implementation plan, the reasons for such delays and other difficulties encountered; and a revised plan aiming at overcoming the delays.

  • Submits, within three months from the submission of the annual reports by project promoters, to the Groups a consolidated report for the projects of common interest, evaluating the progress achieved and makes, where appropriate, recommendations on how to overcome the delays and difficulties encountered.  The consolidated report also evaluates, in accordance with Article 6(8) and (9) of Regulation (EC) No 713/2009, the consistent implementation of the Union-wide network development plans with regard to the energy infrastructure priority corridors and areas.

The documents related to EIP issues are available here and in corridors' sections.